Easiest way to maintain customer attention
Attention span – Easiest way to maintain customer attention
Attention span is the phase when customers showed interest. It's the phase where you need to live up to their expectations.
It doesn’t matter what type of sales you are doing—whether it’s e-commerce, digital, telephone, or even a physical store on the street—understanding the three matters of sales, Reach out, Attention span and Closure is essential.
In this posting we will handle what happens after you reached out—the phase where you need to keep customer’s attention.
The phase for you to live up to your promises. it’s time for you to seize the “Attention span” and to deliver.
“Reach out” – Selling apples
Imagine that for the first time, you are going to sell apples at a fruit market. Being one of many sellers you want to get noticed. You start shouting, ‘The biggest and sweetest apples, only here!
You reach out and some interested customers approaches your stand. Now you have their attention.
“Reach out” – Selling apples
Imagine that for the first time, you are going to sell apples at a fruit market. Being one of many sellers you want to get noticed. You start shouting, ‘The biggest and sweetest apples, only here!
You reach out and some interested customers approaches your stand. Now you have their attention.
Attention span - Easiest way to maintain customer attention
In this article
Easiest way to maintain customer attention
The purpose of "Attention span"
Whatever you used to "Reach out", it’s time for you to live up to it! It's time for "Attention span"!
Contrary to what many seem to believe, the click or ‘Reach Out’ is just the start of the sales process. The next phase is ‘Attention Span.’ In the ‘Reach Out’ phase, you measure your ability to attract customer interest. In the ‘Attention Span’ phase, you measure your ability to keep customers engaged.
To put it another way, your success in this phase is measured by how long customers are willing to pay attention compared to how much time you need to convey your message. The purpose and ultimate goal are to encourage the customer to take action.
Depending on what you’re selling and the sales process required for your products or services, the reason and expected outcome of that action may vary. But in the end, the action shall result in an immediate purchase or increased interest in your brand for a so they buy later. The key is to use the ‘Attention Span’ to build trust and interest in the short, medium, and long term.
The most common ways to generate clicks are through social media campaigns or online advertising. Among these, Google and Facebook advertising are the most widely used, largely due to their extensive options for segmentation and targeting.
The average click-through rate (CTR) for a Google campaign across all industries, according to the latest report (covering April 2023 through March 2024), was 5.06%.
However, this CTR varies between 3.3% and 7.8%, depending on your industry. Achieving such results requires a profound understanding of segmentation and targeting, as well as a certain level of expertise in how outreach programs work, and in this case Google.
How you measure "Attention span"
There’s not a single way alone that gives you an understanding of how well you are able to live up to the expectations you gave your customers when you caught their interest.
To get that understanding you have to consider at least four metrics: Bounce rate, Exit rate, Time spent and Returning visits. These four metrics gives you a fair understanding of how well you are doing. Or how well you are able to maintain the interest that made your customers click in the phase for “Reaching out”.
Not only for websites
Yes it is easier to use the metrics in hand for you to understand your web site performance. But really, understanding your ability to deliver is a critical indicator of how well your business is meeting customer needs and interests. It’s essential for any business to understand the value of sustaining this attention span.
When customers stay engaged with your business—whether through repeated visits, extended interactions, or ongoing interest—they demonstrate that they find value in what you offer and are inclined to explore further.
A strong attention span suggests that your products, services, or experiences resonate with customers, fulfilling their expectations and encouraging them to stay connected. This sustained engagement is crucial for any business, as it not only reflects customer satisfaction but also increases the likelihood of repeat purchases, ongoing relationships, and positive word-of-mouth.
By focusing on strategies to maintain and enhance customer attention span, you can build stronger connections, foster loyalty, and drive long-term growth and success.
Understanding the metrics of attention span is important for all businesses. Therefore you will be able to follow short examples for each metric related an apple seller.
Bounce rate
Bounce rate tells you how good you are prepared (your website) for keeping visitors interested. We figure it out by looking at how many people leave the site without further engagement, and then dividing that number by the total number of visitors. In other words, it shows us how many people that immediately “bounced” away from your website.
“Bounce rate” – selling apples
So now people come to your stand that want to see the biggest and sweetest apples. But some leave without any attempt to look, ask or buy. So question is, how many people do this?
Now you have to ask yourself, why you could not live up to the expectations?
“Bounce rate” – selling apples
So now people come to your stand that want to see the biggest and sweetest apples. But some leave without any attempt to look, ask or buy. So question is, how many people do this?
Now you have to ask yourself, why you could not live up to the expectations?
Exit rate
Exit rate is the percentage of visits that end on a specific page, while bounce rate is the percentage of visits where the page is the only one viewed in the session.
In other words, a bounce is when a user leaves directly from the page they entered on, whereas exit rates are no matter what the user did before leaving. Therefore, all bounces are exits, but not all exits are bounces.
“Exit rate” – Selling apples
People do ask you questions, look and even touch some apples but they don’t buy. So question is, how many people do this?
Why do they not buy, obviously they were interested!
“Bounce rate” – selling apples
People do ask you questions, look and even touch some apples but they don’t buy. So question is, how many people do this?
Why do they not buy, obviously they were interested!
Time on site
Time spent is an important metric for you to understand your web site performance. The longer your visitors stays in your web site, the more likely they will be a value for you. The more likely they will buy from you.
But when spending more time on your pages is generally positive, there could be issues also if visitors spend a lot of time on a page but don’t take the desired actions.
“Time on site” – Selling apples
Some customers stay longer at your stand. They listen and ask questions. The longer they stay, the more interested they seem to be. How many are there standing for long?
Why do they not buy, obviously they stayed for so long!
The most efficient way to reach out
“Time on site” – Selling apples
Some customers stay longer at your stand. They listen and ask questions. The longer they stay, the more interested they seem to be. How many are there standing for long?
Why do they not buy, obviously they stayed for so long!
Returning visitors
Returning (or repeat) visitors are users who come back to your site more than once within a specific time frame. They do that because they like what they see and something made catch their interest. A single visit to a website rarely turns a visitor into a customer, so having your visitors coming back is crucial for success.
“Returning visitors” – selling apples
People coming back, just after checking out other apple stands, people coming back the week after because they liked the apples.
How many returning visitors, or even better, how many loyal customers can you get?
“Returning visitors” – selling apples
People coming back, just after checking out other apple stands, people coming back the week after because they liked the apples.
How many loyal customers can you get?
Attention span – Easiest way to maintain customer attention
Byebuy changes everything!
Successfully handling customer attention span
Successfully handling attention span ensures that customers stay engaged with your business, increasing the likelihood of them taking desired actions like making a purchase, subscribing, or exploring more of your offerings.
When you effectively manage attention, it indicates that your messaging and content resonate with your audience, fostering a deeper connection and trust.
This engagement not only strengthens customer relationships but also boosts the chances of repeat business and long-term loyalty, ultimately driving more sales and overall business success.
The Attention Span phase, is where you need to keep customers interested by meeting their needs and upholding your initial promises.
Attention span – Easiest way to maintain customer attention
A click comes with customer expectations
Remember the value of a click is just a click and nothing more. So just as important it is to have a tempting reason for clicking, it’s needed that you live up to your message, “the promise”.
With Byebuy you automatically live up those expectations
The message and the secret weapon that we use and that shows to out to be the most efficient way to reach out, is “Click to win“. The funny thing is that what partakers can win is “to buy your products or services”. Sounds strange but it works.
The “Click to win” is significantly more effective than “Click to get” because it offers a clear, exciting promise of a contest.
This approach taps into people’s natural curiosity and desire to win something, making them more likely to engage. When you follow up this promise with a fun, straightforward contest, you keep their attention and maintain their interest.
By delivering on the promise with a simple and enjoyable contest, you not only capture attention but also build trust and satisfaction.
This is where Byebuy shines—it’s designed to help you create engaging, no-fuss contests that keep customers interested and coming back, maximizing the value of their attention from start to finish.
Byebuy is built on the premises to generate click, customer attention and closure – building values through the whole sales process.
Attention span - Easiest way to maintain customer attention
Byebuy values (all proven) – from the context of bounce rate
- Enhanced Customer Engagement: When customers maintain a strong attention span, they are more likely to explore your products or services in depth, increasing their understanding and interest in what you offer.
- Increased Conversion Potential: A focused and engaged customer is more likely to move through the buying process, leading to higher chances of completing a purchase or taking other desired actions.
- Customer Experience Approved: A prolonged attention span often reflects that your offerings effectively meet customer needs, creating a positive and seamless experience that keeps them engaged.
- Deepened Brand Connection: When customers stay engaged, it indicates that your messaging and offerings resonate with them, reinforcing their trust in your brand and encouraging continued interaction.
- Boosted Business Performance: Maintaining customer attention helps your business stand out, leading to stronger overall performance as customers find value in spending time with your brand.
- Fostering Customer Loyalty: Engaged customers with a strong attention span are more likely to return, contributing to long-term loyalty and repeat business.
The success of Byebuy lies in the reason to click—the system built to automatically fulfill your promise, with sales naturally following
“Reach Out” is the critical first step to sales success
With Byebuy you don’t have to worry what happens after the click! Or what do you think of these result?
*Byebuy pricing model – you pay for lead & conversion ($0.2/ each)
But as always, it's all about the money!
You will increase your margins: Since only a limited number of customers receive the discount, not all of your revenues are negatively impacted. This helps in maintaining a healthier profit margin.
You will Increase of full price sales: Competitions motivate customers to make additional purchases. And also the natural trust and value you build generates a customer relationship with more loyal customers. Loyal customers are less price sensitive.
Cost-Effective Marketing: Running competitions is a cost-effective marketing strategy compared to offering blanket discounts, as it targets a smaller group and creates buzz without significantly impacting your margins.
“Reach Out” is the crucial first step for sales success
Attention span - Easiest way to maintain customer attention
Attention span – Easiest way to maintain customer attention